Thursday, October 6, 2011

ABCs and 123s

Now that Eli is two, I have decided to start "teaching" him a little. Since his attention span is so small (so is every 2 year old boy's) we're doing thirty minutes in the morning and thirty minutes in the afternoon. This works perfectly with Brianna's nap schedule. At 10am the TV goes off and the real fun begins. Although we may not be doing real school work all the time, we'll be learning colors while playing blocks and coloring.

Today was our first day! I made "lesson plans" on a calendar and hung it on a cork board in his room. IWe also hung up a reading calendar - he gets to put a Spongebob sticker on each day that he sits through a book (this is a big task, lol). Starting Monday we're doing one thing all week. For example, next week is yellow week. Everything we do will have something to do with the color yellow. Anyways - today we spent twenty minutes coloring a fish and talking about where fishes live and he giggled as I made fish faces and we "swam" through the living room!

We did our learning while Bri was asleep. When she woke up we played in the floor. She's getting so big! She can now push the buttons on her toys and make them work. Where did my baby girl go?

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